PATH Foundation, VDOT and Fauquier County fund new trail, recreation opportunities
Warrenton, Va. — The PATH Foundation is partnering with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Fauquier County Government to fund the construction of a 1.3-mile, off-road pedestrian and bicycle trail connecting three subdivisions in Fauquier County.
The PATH Foundation will contribute $528,332 towards the completion of the trail. VDOT has awarded $520,030 for the project, and Fauquier County and other local partners have contributed the final $130,863 required for the construction.
“We are excited by the prospect of the new Woods at Warrenton trail,” said PATH Foundation program officer Andy Johnston. “It will be a great way to encourage outdoor recreation and healthy habits. We’re really looking forward to seeing how extending the greenways throughout Fauquier County will make our community brighter.”
A county-wide needs assessment conducted by the Fauquier County Parks and Recreation department found that greenway trails for walking, biking and hiking are the top recreational investment priority for county residents.
“The Woods of Warrenton trail will be an exciting addition to the county trail network, providing a scenic route through a protected wetland area that produces a number of unique native plant species and is home to various wildlife,” said Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Gary Rzepecki. “This grant funding provided by the PATH Foundation will greatly benefit the continued promotion of healthy living for every Fauquier County citizen.”
In addition to connecting the White’s Mill, Warrenton Chase and Woods at Warrenton subdivisions, the trail will stretch for five uninterrupted miles, further contributing to the county’s long-term goal of constructing a series of trails surrounding Warrenton.
Don Johnson, chairman of the Fauquier County Parks and Recreation Board, remarked that “This significant contribution by the PATH Foundation to the Woods at Warrenton trail project serves as another example of its commitment to the health and well-being of Fauquier County citizens.”
“The important link between the White’s Mill trail and Warrenton Chase trail will offer County citizens a longer trail for improved physical fitness, experiencing the wetland habitat along Cedar Run and install a vital link in the overall trail proposed to loop around Warrenton,” Johnson said. “The Fauquier County Parks and Recreation Board is extremely grateful for all that PATH does to enhance the lives of County citizens and has special esteem for this partnership.”
The first access point for the Woods at Warrenton trail will be located at the end of Academy Hill Drive, and from there, the trail is expected to wind through 58 acres of county-owned land. The trail will also incorporate existing environmental features and provide passive recreation opportunities, such as nature observation or bird watching.