PATH Foundation announces new Technical Assistance grants
The PATH Foundation has announced a new Technical Assistance (TA) funding opportunity for qualifying applicants.
With no set grant cycle, funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted. The TA grants are designed to offer funding for consultants, tools or skills to strengthen an organization’s operations. Complete details are as follows:
Typical Grant Size: $5,000 to $10,000
Cash Match Requirement: Applicants are required to match 20 percent of the amount of funding requested.
Technical Assistance [TA] grants may be used to offset the cost of a consultant, tool or skill that a nonprofit wants to strengthen or add, allowing it to operate more effectively. These grants strengthen organizations serving Fauquier, Rappahannock, and northern Culpeper Counties.
Grant recipients must be a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit, a religious institution doing non-religious work, or local government entity. Proposals must benefit organizations within the PATH Foundation’s service area of Fauquier County, Rappahannock County and northern Culpeper County.
What do we fund?
Leadership Expertise: Allows community teams (e.g., boards, working groups, staff) to either attend a leadership training activity or to bring a leadership trainer to the group. Leadership expertise can also provide funding for management assistance programs or workshops. Funds may be used for travel, attendance, or registration fees.
Planning Efforts for Effective Organizations: Engages a consultant to assist an organization with board development, staff development, organizational assessment, vision setting/strategic planning, developing goals/outcomes, budget management, marketing/communications, fundraising, grantwriting, software obtainment, and/or volunteer corps development. Funding builds the capacity of an organization to be more effective; not for a consultant to do the organization’s work.
Advancement of Collaboration: Supports collaborative learning and knowledge exchange. Funding is often used for a facilitator or consultant to bring together two or more organizations that will benefit from one another.
Applications must detail the work to be completed with anticipated results; specifically, addressing how technical assistance will most likely produce lasting and significant outcomes. Outcomes should focus on organizational changes; not solely grant outputs.
Examples of Organizational Change:
Productivity: Ability to use existing resources to achieve greater impact.
Efficiency: Ability to use fewer resources to achieve existing tasks.
Financial Security: Increase in funding base.
Accountability: Ability to collect, analyze, and incorporate relevant program data.
Reputational Capital: The perception of the organization among key stakeholders.
Human Capital: Quality, motivation, and retention of workforce, including board, volunteers and staff.
Funds cannot be used to pay for staff or board time, legal or accounting services, overhead or administrative costs.
It is suggested that applicants discuss their proposals with the PATH Resource Center prior to starting the application process. While organizations may elect to contract with personnel from the PATH Resource Center, it is not a requirement. Organizations may select their own consultant.
There is no set grant cycle or application deadline for TA grants. Applications are processed year-round on a first-come, first-served basis until funding for the fiscal year is exhausted. Applicants can expect to hear from the PATH Foundation within 30 days on the outcome of their proposal.